install cwRsync
open <bin> folder create file <known_hosts>
open cmd
move to the install folder
ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f cwrsync -N ""
"cwrsync" will be the ssh public and private key file name
ssh -i {privateKeyName} {user}@{SERVERIP} -o UserKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts
and press <yes> to save the hosts
Then Connection is OK
Create a file named as "syncServer.cmd"
@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL H: cd H:\cwRsync\bin SET CWRSYNCHOME=H:\cwRsync\bin SET HOME=%CWRSYNCHOME% rsync --perms -arHz '/cygdrive/c/Users/{USER}/workspace/icfServer/src/' --progress --delete -e'./ssh -i ./cwrsync -o UserKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts' {user}@{HOST IP}:/home/folder/ PAUSE
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